Friday, February 12, 2010

How Can I Get Rid Of Seborrheic Keratosis What Are Seborrheic Keratoses And How Do You Get Rid Of Them At Home?

What are seborrheic keratoses and how do you get rid of them at home? - how can i get rid of seborrheic keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis is a benign tumor of the skin. The origin is unknown. It usually appears from the 40th Year of life. The tumors appear as wart like growths in a variety of colors. They appear in large quantities in the body surface. They are usually painless and harmless, but irritated and itchy. You can cosmetically disfiguring and psychologically distressing for it.

Treatment options include:
(1) cryotherapy, the application of extreme cold to remove seborrheic keratoses on. Cryotherapy is the preferred treatment for most seborrheic keratoses, especially flat or slightly raised growths.

(2) curettage, in which your health care provider uses a spoon shaped instrument) (spoon to remove the growth. Recurrence is common after curettage alone.

(3)Electrocautery (or electrocoagulation), which sends a low voltage electrical charge through a needle to burn growth. This treatment is sometimes combined with curettage.

(4) The division, suppression of growth with a scalpel after your doctor injects a local anesthetic. Excision may leave scars.

(5) intense laser light that burns and destroys the growth.

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