Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Does Miu Ml Mean Please I Need You Help!! What Does This Mean?

Please i need you help!! What does this mean? - what does miu ml mean

Hello, I had a pregnancy test blood, and this is my result of 865.3 mU / ml Can anyone tell me what that means pleawse!


HealedEa... said...

Ask your gynecologist.

B_O_B said...

That means ... no doubt ... You are pregnant.
The tests will be compared with the results in the future ...

I'm so happy for you!

We have to make too much of hCG numbers carefully. A normal pregnancy may have low hCG levels and a healthy baby. The results of an ultrasound after 5 to 6 weeks of pregnancy are more accurate than using hCG numbers.
*** An hCG level alone does not say much about the viability of the pregnancy and there is a wide range of normal hCG levels during pregnancy. A rise of hCG to normal over several days before the expiry of 6 weeks of pregnancy usually indicates a viable pregnancy. In general, the best indication for a healthy pregnancy that is not an ordinary hCG is a good fetal heartbeat after is6-7 weeks .***

HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, the hormone of pregnancy. HCG is produced by the placenta and into the blood as soon as implantation happens about one week after fertilization and ovulation, when the embryo and placenta attaches to the uterine lining.

hCG under 5 mIU / ml: negative. Not pregnant
hCG between 5-25 mU / ml of "doubtful." Maybe pregnant maybe not. Repeat the test in a few days
hCG above 25 mU / ml: You are pregnant!

You wonder what your hCG levels are and if they are normal? Visit the Web site with our computer hCG hCG. Was your pregnancy test is negative? Would you still pregnant? Mark your answer
An hCG level alone does not say much about the viability of the pregnancy and there is a wide range of normal hCG levels during pregnancy. A rise of hCG to normal over several days before the expiry of 6 weeks of pregnancy usually indicates a viable pregnancy. In general, the best indication for a healthy pregnancy that is not an ordinary hCG is a good fetal heartbeat after 6-7 weeks.

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