Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Liquid Diet Drink What Drinks Can I Drink On A Three Day Liquid Diet?

What drinks can I drink on a three day liquid diet? - liquid diet drink

I can only I drink water or juice to drink, too? I'm going on three days of liquid diet only because it not only cleanses impurities from the body, but the whole body cleanse system and is good for your health than losing weight.

So what can you drink beverages on the day three liquid diet?
I avoid, pop and fruit juices (unless 100%). Thank you.


lifegoes... said...

I also !!!!! I finished my first day of a juice fast for three to five days, he had:
A glass of carrot juice in the morning
8 oz apple juice later in the morning
a small glass of carrot juice at about 2
one celery and spinach vegetable drink parsley juice bar food around 4
and now a glass of juice kiwi

and plenty of water
and green tea box
But that is all
You can juice drink all you want, it is preferable to plant is to be avoided and, heartburn (but not as good as fruit juices, lol)
Good luck! I'm happy about the first day, I hope I can make it through the next two. I pulled a few pounds and my body detoxification

IndianaJ... said...

Do not drink you can drink the juice (diet juice that promise weight loss.), But only fresh fruit juices without added sugar. I would suggest that the carrot juice itself. (Add the lemon juice and grapes. Very good!)

Taylorrr... said...

Water, and all kinds of juice. Gatorade might be good too.

SCHUMIGI... said...

including detoxification tea herbs, and pictures in black

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